Paradise Springs Winery: Bridal Shower

This past weekend I hosted a bridal shower for one of my best friends at Paradise Springs Winery in Clifton, VA. Paradise Springs Winery is a family owned winery that has had the historic piece of land for generations (they have a cool story, check it out here) which is nestled in a beautiful neighborhood and neighbors Hemlock Regional Park. It was a very busy weekend at the winery, but luckily we had booked their Picnic Grove area for the event.

We ordered 8 bottles of wine total for our group, and all of the wines were pretty good! Here are the ones we ordered:

Even though we ended up with a lot of Sommet Blanc bottles, which is a delicious Sauvignon Blanc that drank like a Riesling to me due to the honeysuckle sweetness, my top two wines of the day were the Norton and the Viognier. Granted I am pretty biased, those are two of my favorite wine varietals, but I really felt like they did them super well. I loved the “jammy-ness” of the Norton and the Apricot notes on the Viognier.

I am hoping to get in touch with the folks at Paradise Springs Winery to do a Q&A, which I will add here!

This the first bridal shower I ever planned, and I’m so happy it worked out! I highly recommend anyone who’s planning small wedding celebration gatherings during COVID to check out the outdoor options at local wineries. Here’s a few tips from what I learned through the process:

  1. Pre-order your wine: It was a gorgeous day at the winery, which meant at lot of people showed up! Pre-order your wine so you don’t have to front the lines right before your event.

  2. Overestimate your wine bottle to guest ratio: I was super stressed about not having enough wine during the event, so I probably overestimated some (8 bottles for 12 guests). But it worked out because the bride got to take a couple bottles home, and I even got to take one too! People aren’t drinking as heavily at an event like a bridal shower, and especially when the venue is 30+ minutes away for most guests and they have to drive back. We made sure to have non-alcoholic drinks too which was a hit.

  3. Account for the wind: If you’re outside, remember that wind is a factor! Pack tape so decorations don’t fly away, and make sure to think through how you’re displaying and covering your food so those things don’t fly away during a sudden gust of wind!

After all the festivities I’m ready to kick back and start the countdown, because these two get married in exactly ONE MONTH! Cheers winos!


Castle Glen Winery Visit and Q&A


Peach Wines: Georgia Vs. Virginia